Jealous Man Broke in While I Was Sleeping and Stood Over My Bed

He pulled back the covers as my heart pounded

Debra G. Harman, MEd.
5 min readOct 24, 2022


Young woman in silhouette against an orange sky.
Photo by As Novo:

A silhouette of a man was outside the sliding glass window of the small living room. The man had both hands on the glass. He spread his legs to brace himself, using both hands to push the glass up.

Was I dreaming? The lock clicked and he pushed the door to the side. He silently approached my bed. I was terrified. Was this going to be the end of me?

Was this someone here to murder me, rape me? both? Who was this person?

In 1978, I began a relationship with a guy named Pat. Pat was a friend of my brother’s. He was a large man, with huge muscles, a flat stomach, and generally a sexy physique. I was very attracted to him.

He and I began a physical relationship fast. I was not quite twenty, and he was a few months younger. He had a Ford truck painted metal-flake midnight blue, and he picked me up at my apartment and took me to dinner.

Then, we spent time at my apartment, or parked at a cemetery in the country. Odd, I know. It was dark and quiet, and the crickets sang. It had its ambiance.



Debra G. Harman, MEd.

Boost Nominator | Publisher | Writer | Editor --Welcome to my world! I came to Medium as a writer, and things got bigger fast. Parasol Publications.